Be the Best From Your Desk

ALTA recently looked at what impact the market had on escrow professionals over the past year, namely the change from Q3 to Q4. To do this, they surveyed numerous escrow teams to see what their top obstacles were. They found that finding new business was the top concern (51% of respondents noted this first and foremost), followed by juggling too many responsibilities (22%), having too much to do (11%), educating other parties (9%), and lastly, unforeseen delays (7%). 

Real Advantage's leadership has seen and heard the same from our teams: Finding and earning new business is the biggest challenge we face. Our answer? Best From your Desk. 

Best From your Desk's goal is to help our escrow teams grow and succeed no matter the market cycle or seasonal impact. With it, we provided each escrow team with historical data about their client trends, gave a process to implement strategic outreach, and equipped them with the tools to track success. Understanding specific client data will help our teams to predict upcoming trends and make informed decisions about their business. Best From your Desk focuses on making impactful changes to their business, not only for now but also for future growth. 

Implementing our Best From your Desk strategy will help strengthen connections, expand reach, and build business. We are very excited to have begun this program and are even more excited to see the success our team will have by using it!

Kim Pratt

Marketing & Communications Manager
Real Advantage Title


Stronger Together


Building Relationships